
Python powered spreadsheets

Project maintained by brianray Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Marmir is powerful and fun

Marmir takes Python data structures and turns them into spreadsheets.

It is xlwt and google spreadsheets on steroids.

It also supports: input from Django models; taking Psycopg cursors; writing out ascii tables (like psql does); and will soon support HTML tables as output. The goal is to have one easy input with lowest possible configuration and support output of many useful table formats.

Marmir melts in your mouth


$ pip install Marmir

Talk about simple to use, wow. Marmir is just this:

import datetime
import mm

now =

my_data = [ 
        'msg': "My first Row",
        'id': 1,
        'when': now,
        'msg': "My second Row",
        'id': 2,
        'when': now,


mm_doc = mm.Document(my_data)

Same example above as lists (also node the 'order' argument works in the above as well:

my_headers = ('id', 'msg', 'when')
my_data = (
    (1, "My First Row", now),
    (2, "My Second Row", now)   

mm_doc = mm.Document(my_data, order=my_headers)

Or you can get fancier:

import datetime
import mm

my_data = [ 
        'msg': "My first Row",
        'id': 1,
        'when': mm.Date(, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"),
        'homepage': mm.URL("")
        'msg': "My second Row",
        'id': 2,
        'homepage': mm.URL("", "Tweet Me")


mm_doc = mm.Document(my_data)

# also you can publish to google spreadsheats
mm_doc.write_gdata("Example Spreadsheet", "Username", "Pass")

Now for a little Django ( example:

from yourproject.models import TestModel
from mm.contrib.django.data_model import DjangoDataModel
from mm.contrib.django.grid import DjangoGrid

django_query_set = TestModel.objects.all()
mm_doc = mm.Document(django_query_set, 

There is a lot more. Check out the Examples.

... Not in your hand

So the primary goals are:

Some other stuff:

Marmir is written with love

Brian Ray @brianray wrote Marmir. Brian: is the organizer of ChiPy (; one of the top 25 tech in Chicago (according to Crains Oct 2011); been professionaly developing software for business for 15 years ; and is sick of sub-par Python libraries for creating business spreadsheets.

The name Marmir name from parts of the names Maura and Miranda, the author's girls.


Copyright (c) 2013 Brian Ray